Consider 3rd Party | Independent Libertarian | The New Clear Option
Meet Rafael Wolf
As a business owner I am a bit brash and to the point. I’m critical of America Incorporated and its business model. You may get uncomfortable with our conversation but try and work through those fight or flight evolutionary responses. I welcome and look forward to discussion with you on a number of topics. I am working hard on written pieces with audio commentary on many issues I think we should all care about. Hopefully I can explain why the country and our state need real and meaningful change. We will not get meaningful change if we continue voting for establishment candidates. I and other candidates like me are the new clear option.

Learn about Case Number: 2024-0558-CZ – Rafael F. Wolf v Kalamazoo Election Commission, et al
Document link here: LINK
Why 3rd Party?
If you are unhappy with that state of affairs why do you think change will come voting the way you have always voted…
My Take on the Issues
A fresh new look, or an old one, on how the American Banana Republic Inc works. America is a “business model“…
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